The Human Centipede II, a smirking and fairly pointless ordeal of a film that was initially rejected outright by the censors, has now been passed with two minutes and 37 seconds of mandatory cuts. It would be unfair to say the film is completely without merit, but what little there is is drowned out by its blaring vileness. The story features a deranged London car-park attendant (Laurence R Harvey) who is obsessed with the first Human Centipede movie (a mad doctor stitches three victims together, mouth to bottom) and decides to recreate it on a grander scale. Rest assured that the few taboos this film doesn’t breach are breached in those missing two minutes and 37 seconds, and the mildly interesting subtext about copycat violence is lost in the spurting gore and effluent. A third Human Centipede film, mercifully subtitled “Final Sequence”, will be released in 2013. I can hardly wait.