Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge take a walk at the Kitsilano Coast Guard station in Vancouver.

Blame it on jet lag or maybe a precocious knowledge that his great-grandmother is Canada’s head of state but Britain’s 3-year-old Prince George just wasn’t going to be charmed by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
George, holding his father’s hand, ignored Trudeau when he squatted down to the toddler’s level to offer a high-five variation, the low-five.
Trudeau then switched his palm for a high-five and subsequently offered a handshake, both of which were seemingly rebuffed, creating an awkward moment on the airport tarmac in the western province of British Columbia.
Canadians felt the princely snub acutely, accustomed as they are to seeing their young premier win over millions of fans around the world and attain social media star status.
“My heart broke 15 times for trudeau in this,” said a Twitter user with the handle @OhAlexaandra.
“Justin Trudeau getting denied a high five by a toddler (even if it was the son of the prince) is a great analogy for modern global affairs,” said a Twitter user with the handle @EmMcCon.
The Mirror wrote: “Superstar politician Mr. Trudeau might have endeared himself to millions online through his outspoken feminism, support for diversity and willingness to embrace Internet memes, but it seems to take more than that to impress Will and Kate’s eldest.”
The Daily Mail shared a story with the headline: “Sorry, one doesn’t high-five with commoners.”
The kids are remaining in Victoria as their parents visit other parts of British Columbia and Western Canada until Oct. 1 on their first official overseas trip as a family of four. On the second day of their trip the British royal couple flew on a float plane to Vancouver, where they were greeted at the waterfront by several hundred fans who gave them a raucous welcome.

Source: Arab News