Australian Ambassador to Lebanon, Glenn Miles, on Thursday visited Mufti of Tripoli and the North, Sheikh Malek

Australian Ambassador to Lebanon, Glenn Miles, on Thursday visited Mufti of Tripoli and the North, Sheikh Malek Al-Shaar, at his residence in the northern city of Tripoli, where they discussed the bilateral ties between the two countries and the current situation, notably in Tripoli and the North.

On emerging, Ambassador Miles said that he is always pleased to visit Tripoli to have firsthand look at the situation there, underlining Australia's permanent commitment to Lebanon and its security.

The Ambassador stressed Australia's ongoing support to Lebanon, saying Australia constantly seeks viable means for the advancement of Lebanon and increasing its economic growth.

On his meeting with Mufti Shaar, Miles said that he discussed with the Mufti the latest developments in Lebanon and Australia.

Ambassador Miles branded Lebanese-Australian relations as deeply consolidated in view of the large number of the Lebanese community in Australia, mostly from Tripoli and the North.

Mufti Shaar, for his part, thanked Australia for its continual support to the people of the North through its undertaken projects in the area, describing Lebanese-Australian relations as deeply entrenched with the existing of a large segment of Lebanese expatriates there

Source: NNA