The President of Mauritania, Mohamed Ould Abdel-Aziz.

The President of Mauritania, Mohamed Ould Abdel-Aziz, is due to begin on Monday a two-day visit to Khartoum during which he will hold talks with the President of the Republic, Field Marshal Omer Al-Bashir, on means of strengthening further the bilateral relations in the political, economic and social fields.
Presidents Al-Bashir and Ould Abdul-Aziz will co-head meetings of the joint higher Sudanese -Mauritanian in its third session.
The Mauritanian President will be accompanied by a high-level delegation which will include the Mauritanian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Asalko Ahmed, the Minister of Housing, Amal bin Maulud, the Minister of Water and Sewage, Yahia Ould Abdel-Dayem, the Minister of Employment and Vocational Structure, Information and Communication Technology, Mukhtar Malal Ja, the Director of the President's Chamber, Ahmed Ould Bahya, and the Presidential Advisor, Umbarak Ould Berok.
The joint higher committee will discuss the cooperation between Sudan and Mauritania in the fields of agriculture, industry, mining, air and sea transport and other fields, in addition to the implementation of former agreements which were signed by the two countries.
The joint higher committee will sign by the end of its meetings a number of agreements, memos of understanding and executive programs before the presidents of the two countries in fields of cooperation that are suggested by experts.

Source: SUNA