Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump kicked off the week with a rare television interview, sitting down with the hosts of “Fox & Friends” to rave about the work her father’s administration is doing, dismiss his detractors and bemoan her new job working in the swamp.
Ivanka was asked at one point by host Brian Kilmeade if her new role as President Donald Trump’s assistant was harder than she thought it would be.
“It is hard. And there is a level of viciousness that I was not expecting,” she replied.
“I was not expecting the intensity of this experience, but this isn’t supposed to be easy. My father’s administration intends to be transformative, and we want to do big, bold things. We’re looking to change the status quo.”
She said: “So, I didn’t expect it to be easy. I think some of the distractions and some of the ferocity I was a little blind-sided by on a personal level.”
Ivanka also explained that despite everything that is going on around her, she is still managing to stay focused on the task at hand.

“I’m trying to keep my head down, not listen to the noise and just work really hard to make a positive impact in the lives of many people,” she said.
“I mean, if you want to think about difficult, it’s the factory worker who has been laid off. Difficult is, you know, the mother who has lost a child to opioid abuse.”
Ivanka explained that those “real challenges” put things in perspective for her, and said that she has been enjoying the optimism she is seeing in people across the country as a result of her father’s work as president.
“They see the economy and it’s just booming. Small businesses have this sense of just vigor and, you know, I was talking with somebody the other day who was referring to it as the animal spirit,” said Ivanka.

Source: Arab News