Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton waves to her fans

Hillary Clinton has taken the express train to Broadway — attending the musical “In Transit.”
The former presidential candidate and her husband attended the recently-held night performance of the show set in the New York City subway, arriving at the Circle in the Square Theatre to thunderous applause. Audience members also chanted her name.
Hillary and Bill Clinton, along with longtime top aide Huma Abedin, visited the cast after the show and spent another half-hour in the lobby chatting with producers Janet and Marvin Rosen.
The show, about the intertwining lives of 11 New Yorkers underground, has a book, music and lyrics by Academy Award winner Kristen Anderson-Lopez of “Frozen” fame, James-Allen Ford, Russ Kaplan and Sara Wordsworth.
Last month, the Clintons attended “The Color Purple.”
Orwell’s ‘1984’ coming to Broadway
A new British stage adaptation of George Orwell’s chilling dystopic novel “1984” is coming to an America where issues of “newspeak” and surveillance are quite relevant.
Producers Sonia Friedman and Scott Rudin said that the play will open in June at the Hudson Theatre. Nominated for an Olivier Award, it was created by Robert Icke and Duncan MacMillan. No casting was revealed.
First published in 1949, Orwell’s classic tale of a society run by Big Brother in which facts are distorted and suppressed in a cloud of “newspeak” has topped the best-seller lists.
The renewed interest comes on the heels of the Trump administration’s unfounded allegation that millions of illegal votes were cast against him last fall and an adviser coining the phrase “alternative facts.”

Source: Arab News