Japan's Foreign Minister said Monday that the government will invite ministers from across the world to an

Japan's Foreign Minister said Monday that the government will invite ministers from across the world to an international conference later this year to discuss the safety of nuclear plants in Fukushima Prefecture.
The event will be jointly hosted by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Koichiro Gemba made the announcement on Sunday in a lecture in Sukagawa City, Fukushima Prefecture. The prefecture houses the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. 
He said at least 50 ministers will be invited to the meeting in Koriyama City in November or December, Japan's NHK website reported. Gemba also said the government will host an international meeting March 2nd to discuss renewable energy. 
He said the prefecture wants to develop non-nuclear power generation after the Fukushima disaster and hopes to create jobs by inviting energy-related firms and research institutes.
Source: BNA