Syrians in Lebanon

Syrians in Lebanon Beirut – Georges Chahine The number of displaced Syrians in Lebanon has increased to more than 47,000, of which 37,000 registered at the United Nations Higher Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and more than 9,000 are awaiting their registration as refugees, which should enable them to receive assistance, shelter and supplies.
According to the weekly report issued by the commission, the UNHCR in cooperation with the Danish Refugee Council and the Norwegian Refugee Council are studying sustainable solutions to meet the needs of the increasing number of the displaced, especially in providing shelter.
The report notes that the majority of the displaced are still settled in the Northern Lebanese border villages, which are the areas exposed to regular shelling from the Syrian territory, despite being incapable of taking on more refugees.
According to the report waiting the new school year, the commission is studying the necessary solutions for the crisis of displaced Syrians in schools which are supposed to receive its students in less than a month.
Another issue keeping the commission busy is how to enroll the displaced Syrian children in the schools so they do not miss a school year.