Decision has witnessed a widespread criticism

Decision has witnessed a widespread criticism Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi has issued a decision to close eight satellite television channels, including the popular CBC and Dream. There has been widespread criticism of the decision, with much of the media highlighting its obvious ploy to restrict freedom of speech.Mohamed Hani, head of the CBC channel claimed "the current regime has been trying to silence our voice.” The government has also enforced a new media code restricting freedom in what Hani called “unprecedented media repression.”
It was also revealed that many talk show hosts have been repeatedly ordered by the attorney general, not to mention the siege of Media Production City (MPC). Islamist protesters have been gathering outside MPC protesting against the studio, accusing it of inciting strife among people.
Talk show host, Khairy Ramadan expressed worry that in the future any channel that dares to criticise the government will in turn be closed.
Conversely, the closures have some supporters who believe that it is a step in the right direction to purifying media channels which promote sedition, and work for foreign agendas.
Media Professor at Cairo University, Farouq Abu Zeid, said that the decision was "issued on the basis of private channels implementing their own agendas" and their closure will be a "deterrent to other media organisations adopting a similar stance."