British broadcaster fined by media watchdog Ofcom for inciting crime

British broadcaster fined by media watchdog Ofcom for inciting crime London – Naeem Arzu  An Islamic TV channel in Birmingham has been fined £85,000 GBP by media watchdog, Ofcom, after it broadcast statement saying it was acceptable to murder anyone who insulted Prophet Mohammed. Al Ehya TV Limited received the fine in respect of its Noor TV service.
The regulator found that during a broadcast in May 2012, presenter Allama Muhammad Farooq Nizami made the statement, which said it was the duty of all Muslims to murder any person thought to have made disrespectful remarks, if the ruling government had not taken action.
A representative from Ofcom said the comment by Nizami, ““was likely to encourage or incite the commission of crime”.
The media watchdog has asked the broadcaster to air a statement of the findings.  It said it was, “concerned about the very weak compliance record of the licensee and expects the licensee to take immediate and effective steps now to redress this position”.