Panasonic unveils new range of American-style fridge freezers

Panasonic unveils new range of American-style fridge freezers Panasonic has announced that it is venturing into built-in appliances this year. Specifications are thin on the ground, but a few photos have surfaced online, along with a glimpse of Panasonic’s latest American-style fridge freezers.The built-in line up will include a 13-place dishwasher that’s A+++ rated and has a Rapid Dry function that works by automatically opening the door slightly as soon as the wash phase is complete.
Other products also featured include a 75cm-wide state-of-the-art induction hobs that glows blue when a pan is placed on it and has special sensors that recognise when extra ingredients are placed into a pan and raises the heat for more even cooking. There will also be a more affordable 60cm hob with ‘red’ induction zones.
Prices are yet to be revealed but these products will be available from June in the UK.