Roller’ safe looks like the real thing

Roller’ safe looks like the real thing Jacksonville – Arab Today US security wholesaler Safety Technology products is inviting homeowners to “hide their valuables in plain sight” with its new range of lint roller diversion safes.
Designed to fool would-be thieves who are frantically searching for safes, jewellery boxes and other obvious items, Safety Technology’s lint roller diversion safes can be used to store anything from cash to documents to jewels. What’s more, they’re also weighted to feel just like the real household object – which makes it even tougher for thieves to know what to look for, even if they suspect that diversion safes may be used.
“The Chicago Crime Commission states that a burglar spends an average of eight minutes in the victim\'s home,” commented Safety Technology’s CEO and founder Michael Gravette.
“Our new lint roller diversion safe is designed to put the odds back in homeowners’ favour. Valuables can be discreetly stored inside these look-a-like lint rollers, and kept in their seemingly rightful places. Each is indistinguishable from the genuine product, and is even weighted to feel full!”
Source: PR web