Very attractive rug

Very attractive rug Animal printings and animal-like accessories are commonly used in home decors, especially zebra print. There are specific ways to use these printings in an elegant way. It is preferable to use zebra printed lamps, rugs, pillows, wall paper and in the bathroom. Zebra printings look fantastic in any color scheme since black and white are the basis of all decors. In neutral interiors zebra accents add detail to the room while in colorful rooms a black and white zebra print looks more neutral and brings patterned accent into the decor. Putting a lot of zebra accessories in the décor is not a good idea so use small portions of it to look more elegant. For bedrooms, it would be attractive to have a simple zebra covering or to have pillows with wall decors. You must be careful in using zebra print in decors since consistency between pieces is the most important thing.