Jordanian prime minister, Hani Al-Mulqi

Jordanian prime minister, Hani Al-Mulqi visited “Arabic Potash” company with in the visit tours of government economic team to promising sectors, which participate in increasing local income. During the meeting with the company chairman of the board of directors, Brent Hymen and some officials, the prime minister confirmed that Potash Company is one of companies that helps national economy and its position was what put it on the top of the visiting list. The government is trying to develop this economy, so the economic team will be visiting large companies and organizations.
The aim of the economic team visits is to discuss issues that will increase production and income, along with these companies role in increasing economic growth. Al-Mulqi urged Potash Company to invest in complementary Industries such as, Chlorine, caustic soda and heavy water, stressing that these industries will help to diversity the production and attract more investments.

He added that the government is willing to help the company to increase its investment in these industries, besides its production of potash, and help it conquer any obstacles, including generating electricity with Gas turbines. He also praised the importance of the railway, which the company is trying to build to connect its location in Gore Safi and Aqaba to transfer its products, asking for cooperation between the potash company, Aqaba authority, transport, public works and housing ministries to connect this railway with the one to be built in Aqaba ports, all the way to the south port, which is used to export Potash.

The prime minister and the ministerial team listened to a presentation about the company achievements and its future plans to increase production and investment, to create more job opportunities, which will help in solving unemployment problems in Jordan. The head of the company said that Potash market faced a lot of challenges in 2016, including the drop of its price in global markets, which influenced the company profits badly, but the investment policies applied by the company with allies such as “Jordan’s Promen” and “KIMAPCO”, enabled the company to gain more profits up to 730 million dollar, including 54 million dinars as salaries and benefits, 8 million dinars as support to local communities in Jordan.

The head of the company focused on future planes, that include, investment in derivative industries, reducing energy costs by using natural gas, increasing KIMAPCO production to 175 thousand tons per year, finishing construction works on Aqaba port, and building new railway that would connect the factory in Gore with Aqaba, which will reduce shipping costs, traffic movement and improving water resources by working with Ministry of Water and Irrigation and the Jordan Valley Authority to build dams to collect rain water, that could help providing water to residents and water for agriculture and industry.

The executive chief of the company sad that last year income was great achievement in the light of the condition potash industry all over the world, and the company didn’t have to release any worker, unlike some other companies who shut down mines to reduce their costs. He added that is studying several options to increase its production through studied plans.

The whole company thanked the government for its support for the company future plans, and its effort to help conquering any obstacles. This field visits came after periodic meetings, that discussed policies which can be used to increase the economic growth, improve work environment and attract investments.