Palestinian businessman Munib Al Masri

Palestinian businessman Munib Al Masri A business conference held in the West Bank village of Nablus has sparked rage and controversy among Palestinian people. Palestinian businessman Munib Al Masri hosted a conference entitled “Breaking political and economic ice”, headed by Israeli businessman Rami Levny. Fatah member Mahmoud Ashtei said: “I accuse the organisers of this conference who are cooperating with Rami Levny, who is a well known Zionist and who supports the occupation and the settlements.”
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine also condemned the meeting.
Palestinian Consumer Association Chairman Salah Haniyeh said that this meeting coincided with Rami Lvny’s new market, set on Palestinian territories. He said: “The boycott on settlement products still applies. Those who make money from the settlements prevent the Palestinians from developing businesses.”