Idlib province, Syria.

Moscow is alarmed over reports about possible chemical provocations in Syria and calls for steps not to let that happen, the Russian foreign ministry said on Tuesday.

"Alarming reports are coming from various sources that some terrorist and extremist groups in Syria never stop attempts at staging large-scale provocations with the use of chemical weapons and toxic agent," the ministry said, adding that the Russian military also has such information.

According to the Russian foreign ministry, in case such a provocation is successful, all the blame would be placed on Syria’s legitimate authorities, following a traditional pattern. "Concurrently, claims would be laid to Russia and Iran that they allegedly connive at such crimes and must be held responsible," the ministry stressed.

"It is absolutely obvious that extremists’ chemical provocations are geared to furnish foreign opponents of the legitimate government in Damascus with another pretext to stage aggressive actions like the illegal missile strikes delivered by the United States, the United Kingdom and France on Syria in April 2018, to frustrate efforts towards establishing political process, to slow down revival of the country and return of refugees and internally displaced persons to their homes. We cannot and must not let it happen."