Siemens Company in egypt

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is scheduled to arrive in Cairo on Thursday to conduct her visit to Cairo since eight years. Merkel will lead a delegation composed of security, political and economic official to discuss the recent developments and the ways to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries during the coming period.

The German official will hold a meeting with President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi to discuss a large number of issues. They will meet with Egyptian-German Business Community then they will hold a press conference in the presidential palace in Cairo. Merkel will also discuss a number of issues related to the bilateral relations, as she will be accompanied by a delegation of investors to discuss the opportunities to increase the German investments in the country.

During the visit, the German official is scheduled to open new power plants related Siemens Company which establishes three plants in Borollos, new Administrative Capital and Beni-Suef. She is scheduled to meet with Azhar’s Grand Imam Ahmed Al Tayeb and Coptic Orthodox Church’s Patriarch, Pope Tawadros

Illegal migration and the resumption of German NGOs operating in civil society in Egypt will be on the table for discussion between Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the German ambassador to Egypt said on Tuesday.

In a press conference two days ahead of Merkel’s first visit to Cairo since 2007, Ambassador Julius Georg Luy said Illegal migration and the issue of combating terrorism would be among the key points in discussions, adding that Germany provides support to Egypt in fighting terrorism -- whether on an international or domestic level.

“We, or the EU officials, are in direct contact with Egyptian officials over illegal migration, even if the viewpoints are different with this phenomena,” Luy said, adding that Germany was awaiting discussions on how the issue would be resolved in this field.

According to the ambassador, Egypt was “suffering from the issue just like Germany,” with Berlin troubled by the rise of an influx in refugees in recent years.