Libya's Prime Minister Fayez Al Sarraj

Spokesperson of Libyan national unity government Ashraf Al Tholthi stressed his government's efforts to prevent any military clashes in Tripoli due to the current political conflicts witnessed in the country. He said, "We give the priority to the country's interests and work to unify the political front."

The presidential council described the salvation government's militias that returned recently to the Libyan capital as outlawed group, saying it will deal with them through the security and judicial authorities.

Tholthi added, during a press conference, that his government will turn to legal and judicial channels to take the measures against these groups that involved in the recent parades that led to military clashes in Tripoli.

Regarding the recent agreement concluded with Italy, he denied what was published over resettlement of immigrants in the country, saying that it includes clear articles over returning the immigrants to their countries.

He signaled the recent visit conducted by Libya's Prime Minister Fayez Al Sarraj to Turkey, saying that he met with President Recep Tayeb Erdogan to discuss the possibility of returning the Turkish companies to complete their projects in Libya.

On the other hand, there are conflicting reports over a potential meeting between Sarraj and Marshal Khalifa Haftar in Cairo under sponsorship of Egypt's military Chief of Staff Mahmoud Hegazy.

According to leaks, Haftar conditioned Sarraj's recognition of Haftar's military grade and appointing him as a leader of Libyan military council. Sources revealed that the Egyptian government supports Haftar's conditions in the framework of the Egyptian role to mediate between the two conflicting parties.