Iraqi F16 jets

Iraqi F16 jets destroyed the so-called soldiers board related to ISIS in Mousl's right bank in coincidence with raids against the group's strongholds in Talaffar district.

According to a formal statement, the Iraqi jets managed to destroy sites of the extremist group in Albo Self village, saying that the militants shot the plans leading to killing a civilian and the injury of other six persons.

It added that the extremist group threw bombs from its drones on Araby district leading to the injury of 13 persons, including six fighters from Popular Mobilization Forces. 

In the same context, Iraqi federal police managed to drop ISIS drone in Mousl's southern area, saying, in a statement, that they seized a hideout related to the group where they found over 40 mortars and 80 home-made missiles in addition to explosives.

On his hand, Chairperson of National Coalition Amar Al Hakim stressed the need for liberating Mousl. The statement came during his meeting with Australian Ambassador to Baghdad Cristopher Lang, as they discussed the ways to improve the bilateral relations in different fields.

Hakim discussed the recent developments in Iraq stressing that the current fight Iraq experiences against terrorism comes not only to protect Iraq but the whole world. The Australian diplomat was keen to praise the Iraqi victories in Mousl stressing his country's support for the Iraqi efforts.

On the other hand, Spokesperson of International Coalition Stephen Townsend said that the Iraqi forces prepare currently for their operations to liberate the rest of Mousl during the coming period. He expected that the operation will start soon, saying that it is supposed to restore both Mousl and Syrian city of Raqqa from ISIS during the coming six months.