Marshal Khalifa Haftar

British government stressed the need for involving Marshal Khalifa Haftar in the Libyan government, stressing the need for giving the priority to Skhirat Agreement as the base of Amy future negotiations between the Libyan factions.

British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson stressed the need for giving the priority to Skhirat Agreement during the coming negotiations to resolve the Libyan crisis. He added that his government seeks to unify the country upon this agreement.

Meanwhile, Johnson added, they discuss the ways to contain the crisis of illegal immigration, saying that his country promised to pay 30 million Euros to contain this crisis. He stressed that his country bears its responsibility towards its continent, saying, "Even if we left the European Union, we would not leave Europe."

On the other hand, a delegation from Italian Civil Aviation Authority discussed the current preparations for launching a new airline between the two countries during its meeting with members of Libyan national unity government. They revealed their intentions to expand cooperation with the Libyan side during the coming period.

According to Libyan civil aviation official Nasr Al Din Shaeb Al Ain, the Italian delegation is scheduled to visit Libyan airport to prepare a report to the Italian government. He expressed his hope that the visit would leave positive repercussions to pave the way for opening the new airline.