Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Al Abadi

Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Al Abadi expressed his refusal to the attempts aiming to turning the country into internal conflict though the calls for rallying demonstrations. The statement came during the Cabinet’s meeting held on Tuesday to discuss the beginning of military operations to liberate Mousl’s right bank and the repercussions of Baghdad’s recent demonstrations.

He added, “There are attempts to raise marginal issues at the expense of our basic challenges to turn the country into a civil war.” He described the demonstrations witnessed on Saturday in the Iraqi capital as peaceful, blaming the infiltrators for the clashes that took place between the protesters and security forces.

He expressed his frustration over the current attempt to bridge the gap of difference between the people and government during the current critical period, stressing that such attempts aim to save ISSI. He stressed the rights of Iraqi people to launch demonstrations to express their opinion.

Regarding the coming operation to liberate Mousl’s right bank, Abadi said that it will be launched in the near future to liberate the rest of the Iraqi city, saying that the Iraqi forces prepare currently to launch their operation to restore the right bank from the grip of extremists. He called the residents for cooperating with governmental forces warning that the extremists attempt to use the civilians as human shields.

He denied any difference with the International Coalition over the coming operation to liberate the city’s right bank, stressing that they delayed the operation for tactical reasons. He added the liberation of Kirkuk’s Howija district was scheduled to be achieved before the operations on Mousl, promising to launch operation to liberate the Iraqi district in the near future.

He added that the new U.S Administration stressed its support for Iraq, saying that he received an invitation to attend Munich Conference during the next week