Olivia Munn

X-Men: Apocalypse co-stars Olivia Munn, Jennifer Lawrence and Michael Fassbender took part in a hilarious table read of the 1998 Coen brothers comedy The Big Lebowski.

Also helping out in Friday's Just for Laughs Festival event in Montreal were Patton Oswalt, Dennis Quaid, Mae Whitman, Mike Judge, Martin Starr and T.J. Miller, People magazine reported.

The celebrity reading was organized by director Jason Reitman and it took place in front of a crowd of about 1,300 people.

One of the funniest moments came when Munn, who was supposed to portray Bunny, accidentally read a line meant for Lawrence, who was playing the role of Maude, and completely confused the cast.

"It was highlighted, mother[expletives,]" Munn said before switching script pages with Lawrence.

"We've been waiting three hours to get to my part and it's all falling to [expletive,]" Lawrence quipped.

The Big Lebowski is a cult-classic film that starred Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi and John Turturro.