Until September 23, 2012 you have the opportunity to visit the interesting exhibition under the title Bread by Theodoros Papagiannis, hosted in the Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens. For the exhibition in the Byzantine and Christian Museum, Theodoros Papagiannis chose to use a new concept in order to present representative works of his artistic production of the last 15 years. The narrative of the exhibition has at its core the bread, a symbol of great importance for Christianity and one of the artist’s favourite subjects. A long, crowded procession, comprised of small clay figures sets out from the darkness and moves towards the light crossing two halls in order to arrive to the third and last; the hall of the bread. This procession is flanked by oversized sculptures made by metal and wood. In the centre of the last hall, a huge pan, full of clay bread-models, dominates while behind it sandbags piled with wheat stand. In the corners, cruciform wooden figures frame the central installation, in a set that recalls the space of the Byzantine altar and the sacrament of the Divine Liturgy (Eucarist). Within the halls of the Byzantine and Christian Museum, Theodoros Papagiannis’ art acquires a new meaning with religious and historical references. From visitgreece