The Zakat Fund has launched an electronic database that can link the organisation to zakat (a donation to the needy required by Islam), to improve collection and management of funds. This database is a programme that registers and monitors zakat collections, maintains a complete file of the needy applying for zakat while ensuring total confidentiality. It will include all payments and dues paid, with a time schedule. The system will also provide information related to contributors whether they are individuals or institutions. Contributors will be able to investigate the distribution of their funds while confidentiality is maintained for both parties. This database will be made available to all charity organisations to avoid duplication of payments. \"The electronic database will ensure that zakat will be paid to those genuinely in need without the slightest possibility of scam,\" Jamal Al Mazroui, an official at the Zakat Fund, told Gulf News. \"If both contributors and needy are satisfied with the process, we hope it will help increase zakat money. Our objective is to reach an increase of 10 to 15 per cent yearly,\" Al Mazroui said. Zakat collections have increased by 288 per cent at the end of the first quarter in 2011 compared to 2010. The Zakat Fund teamed with \"Galaxy\", an IT company, to help set up, manage and maintain the database of fund collection and distribution. \"This database is the first step towards creating a unified network that includes all charity organisations,\" Al Mazroui added. Paying zakat has been made an easy and accessible process for all contributors. From / Gulf News