Egypt's antiquities minister Khaled al-Anani speaks to the press outside King Tutankhamun's tomb

Antiquities Minister Khaled Anani will open on Friday an exhibition in Luxor displaying 22 artifacts discovered by the Egyptian-French mission during its work at Ramesseum Temple.

The French ambassador in Cairo and the head of the Ramesseum mission will attend the inauguration of the month-long exhibition.

On the fringe of the exhibition, Egyptian and French mission members will be honored for their great efforts.

The exhibition marks the 25th anniversary of the mission's work at the temple.

Ramesseum, funerary temple of Ramses II (1279–13 bc), erected on the west bank of the Nile River at Thebes in Upper Egypt. The temple, famous for its 57-foot (17-metre) seated statue of Ramses II (of which only fragments are left), was dedicated to the god Amon and the deceased king. The walls of the Ramesseum, which is only about half preserved, are decorated with reliefs, including scenes depicting the Battle of Kadesh, the Syrian wars, and the Festival of Min. 

This temple is identified with the “Tomb of Osymandias” (a corruption of Ramses II’s prenomen) described by the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus in the 1st century bc, and the shattered colossus of Ramses was the subject of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem “Ozymandias.”