Simple tips to take care of your hair in summer -Remember to wear a scarf or a cap when you are stepping out in the sun to prevent against the damaging effects of the rays. -If you are required to stay out in the sun for a longer duration, make sure you use a sun hair repair mask. -Restrict the usage of additional heat on your hair. For example, hair dryers or hair curlers etc. -Do not wash your hair with hot water. Use lukewarm or cold water to prevent your hair from getting damaged. -Make sure to oil your hair every once or twice in a week to prevent drying out. -Use moisturising shampoos during summer. Hair conditioners are ideal too. -Deep condition your hair after every wash -Products with replenishing actions work the best during summer. -Stay hydrated -If you have frizzy hair, treat them by using jojoba oil. Leave in throughout the night and shampoo in the morning. -Chlorine damages your hair, thus if you go for a swim, use a clarifying shampoo to wash off the chlorine residues from your hair. -Do not use hair products that claim to provide volume and bounce to your hair. These products tend to dry out your scalp.