Are you reluctant to go out and have some fun with your friends due to the heat? Here are a few tips that you need to follow before stepping out. The scorching rays of the sun are always accompanied by skin woes that can rip the moisture from the skin and leave acnes and wrinkles if not given proper care and timely attention. A good moisturiser, sunscreen lotion, exfoliation scrubs and subtle makeup are a must during the season. Hydrating your skin is very crucial. Drink lots of water. If not water, sip on lemonade or fresh fruit juices. Replenish your skin with moisture with fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. Carry an umbrella and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. Apply a sweat-proof sunscreen lotion with SPF above 30 plus. Exfoliation is a must this season, as impurities garnered during the day need to be scrubbed off from the face, at least twice a week. After getting back home, apply cold yogurt on the face to remove the tan and other impurities from clogging the pores. Add honey, oat meal, cucumber or lemon to this if needed. Prevent the sweat from causing skin infections by applying alcohol-free deodorants and getting pedicures done once in two weeks. Avoid shoes, instead use flip-flops to let your toe-nails breath fresh air. Wear loose fitting summer clothes to prevent sweat from stagnating, especially in the crease of arms and legs. Retain the moisture content of your hair by applying hair mask with SPF of at least 15 plus. Also, cover your head with stylish scarves. So, go on and enjoy this summer.