I have a Bachelor\'s degree in electronic engineering and 16 years of experience in telecommunications as a field engineer. Now I am keen to pursue a management degree in the same field. Please advise me on the options available to me. Imran, Dubai   I am always impressed when someone in the midst of their career realises they need extra qualifications are willing to take out some time to pursue an additional degree. As you know better than anyone else, the telecommunication industry is changing dramatically and rapidly. Getting a masters degree in engineering or management is definitely advisable as you need personnel, project management, telecommunications technology and networks understanding. You have many options available to you: Master of Engineering/Master of Science, Master of Engineering Studies in Telecommunications Engineering and Telecommunication Networks, Master of Engineering Management, Doctor of Philosophy Engineering, MSc in Telecommunications, MSc in Telecommunications, etc. As the choice is vast my suggestion is to meet visiting university representatives and discuss the various postgraduate options they offer to see what fits your career goals. A discipline to explore is mechatronics, which deals with convergence of electrical and mechanical systems. The future lies in medical devices that can be embedded and better ocular communication. You could also explore an MBA in telecommunications, which would give you the ability to go into the management side of the business. You would gain skills to manage and design in-house telecommunications for large organisations or work as a consultant. A Network and Communications Management Certificate would give you a foundation background in networking, operations and security, or a Certificate in Business Administration would give you foundation skills in accounting, finance, ethics and marketing. You could look at certification programmes offered by the Telecommunications Project Management Association. I would encourage you to get additional qualifications as this will help your career advancement.