Trials to start in Indonesian school sex abuse scandal

The South Jakarta district court on Tuesday kicked off the first trial of sex abuse on children at the prestigious Jakarta international school.
The court tried Agun Iskandar, a janitor at the school, said Saut Irianto Rajaguguk, lawyer of Agun.
"The court session today (on Tuesday) was close, it was just the reading of verdict," Rajaguguk said at the court.
Agun and four others janitors were alleged of implicating in sexual abuse on 6 year-old student at the school located in Pondok Indah of South of Jakarta.
The four janitors would be tried on Wednesday, according to the lawyer.
All the suspects are facing sentence to maximum 15 years in jail if found guilty.
The police started investigating the case in March after parents of a kindergarten boy reported that the boy was molested by two janitors in school rest room.
Then the police arrested six janitors, one of them dies in custody.
Two other families also reported that their young children were molested, which then the police arrested Neil Bantleman, elementary school administrator, who has Canadian nationality, and Ferdinand Tjiong, the teacher assistance with Indonesian nationality for allegation of sexually abusing children.
But they rebuffed the allegation and remained in detention.