Shark attacks

More people have died while trying to take a ‘selfie’ than from shark attacks this year, The Independent reported Wednesday.

So far, 12 people have lost their lives while trying to take a photo of themselves. But the number of people who have died as a result of a shark attack was only eight, according to the Huffington Post.

A 66-year-old tourist from Japan recently died after falling down some stairs while trying to take a photo at the Taj Mahal in India.

In July, a woman from Mississippi was gored to death by a bison while visiting Yellowstone National Park. She had been trying to take a selfie in close proximity to the animals, the Telegraph reported.

Earlier this year the Russian government distributed an illustrated booklet to warn people of dangerous scenarios involved in taking such pictures as part of its Safe Selfie campaign.

In a statement, Yelena Alekseyeva, an official, said: “Our booklet reminds you of how to take a safe selfie, so it is not the last one you will ever take.”

The campaign’s motto is: “Even a million ‘likes’ on social media are not worth your life and well-being”.

It followed an incident in May when a 21-year-old woman survived accidentally shooting herself in the head while posing for a selfie with a gun in Moscow, the BBC reported.