alcoholic beverages in Portugal

Celebrities who are popular with children and people under the age of 21 will no longer be permitted to advertise alcoholic beverages in Portugal, according to a Self-Regulation Code signed by 30 associations from the alcoholic beverage sector, the Civil Institute for Self-Discipline of Commercial Communication (ICAP) said in a statement issued on its website on Monday.
The measures in the code include restricting advertising of wine and spirits before, during and after children's programming on television and before children's films at the cinema, for example. The new code does not include beer, which is covered by a separate advertising self-regulation agreement, ICAP said.
"The message of the commercial communication should not use protagonists aged under 21 or who appear to be under 21, who are drinking or encouraging consumption of alcoholic drinks," according to the code's stipulations.
Other than protecting minors from the dangers of alcohol consumption the code also restricts advertising alcohol to pregnant women and associating alcohol to the workplace, driving or suggesting that alcohol may improve people's social, sexual or sporting prowess.