Visiting Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) Board Chairman and Director General Sheikh Mubarak Al-Duaij Al-Ibrahim Al-Sabah and president of the authority for Bahraini media affairs Ali Al-Rumaihi met here on Sunday to discuss bilateral media cooperation. During the meeting, Sheikh Mubarak stressed firm relations between Kuwait and Bahrain at all levels, including bonds between media and news organizations, saying that his visit to Bahrain aims to bolster cooperative relations and to achieve joint coordination. He voiced KUNA's willingness to share its experience with the Bahrain News Agency (BNA) in training and archive realms. The KUNA chief also hoped that both sides would seek to achieve the aspired media integration. On his part, the Bahraini media official spoke highly of KUNA's credible, neutral and fast coverage of news reports. He showed willingness to reinforce and bolster mechanisms of cooperation with Kuwait and to share experience with Kuwaiti media bodies thanks to distinguished relations between both nations. Accompanied by director of his office Naif Al-Otaibi and chief of the department of international relations at KUNA Esam Al-Ruwaiyeh, Sheikh Mubarak is here in line with a resolution made by Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) ministers of information in 2013 to have state media officials and employees in GCC states exchange visits and expertise in all aspects of news gathering and dissemination. During his stay here, the KUNA chief has already visited the official Bahrain News Agency (BNA) and KUNA office in Manama. He urged KUNA office staff to improve their performance in order to cope with new media challenges and to revamp the agency's media message to deliver reports quickly and credibly.