Hot summer day… roof top down… wind in your hair … smile in your face… and \'Little Red Corvette\' cranked up to its loudest setting. There\'s nothing like music in the car to make a journey really fly by. But, did you know that, aside from Prince\'s classic hit, more than 600 songs across all genres and multiple generations mention \'Chevrolet\', \'Chevy\' or the name of a Chevrolet vehicle in their lyrics? The summer of 1952 saw the birth of Chevrolet\'s Corvette and rock and roll radio* and in the decades that followed these two icons have influenced each other and become legends in their own way. Ever since, musicians like Don McLean and his \'American Pie\' and Eric Clapton with \'I\'ve Got a Rock \'N\' Roll Heart\' have included song lines about the Chevrolets they saw on the road or took out for a spin. To celebrate Chevrolet\'s rich music culture and the 60th Anniversary of the Corvette convertible – the ultimate sports car legend with heart-stopping performance and unmistakable styling – has put together a top 10 playlist of summer songs celebrating the iconic brand and its cars. \"Chevrolet has sold more than 200 million cars and trucks around the world in its 101-year history, touching the lives of countless owners, families, and fans,\" said Beate Stumpe, Director, Brand and Marketing, of Chevrolet Europe. \"It is fitting that we are recognizing these connections and celebrating Chevrolet\'s role in peoples\' lives.\" Test-drive a Chevrolet through your headphones with Chevrolet\'s Top 10 Chevrolet Corvette summer song playlist. From:Chevroleteurope