UAE peaceful nuclear energy programme is one of the most diverse

The UAE peaceful nuclear energy programme was praised for its high level of female participation, as well as its position as one of the most diverse, multinational and multicultural nuclear programmes in the world during a special presentation on the vital role of women in the nuclear industry.

The special presentation was given by Sheikha Lubna bint Khalid Al Qasimi, Vice Chairwoman of Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation, ENEC, Board of Directors, and President of Zayed University, on the final day of the International Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Power in the 21st Century, which was held in Abu Dhabi.

"Here in the UAE, we strongly believe in the equality of men and women, both in society and in professional development," Sheikha Lubna said, adding, "From the very beginning of the UAE Peaceful Nuclear Energy Programme, we emphasised strongly the need to bring more women into the nuclear industry and into what is generally considered a male-dominated sector around the world."

She went on to say, "At the ENEC and its subsidiaries, I am proud to see that our efforts to inspire women to join this industry of the future has produced positive results. Today, 23 percent of professionals working at the corporation are women. At the Barakah nuclear energy plant, approximately 10 percent of employees are female. This is a significant achievement and we will continue to support all women who want to join the sector."

"The UAE peaceful nuclear energy programme is one of the most diverse and perhaps the most multinational and multicultural nuclear programme in the world, with over 40 nationalities involved. We celebrate this diversity and continue to promote understanding, diversity and acceptance," Sheikha Lubna added.

Following the presentation, Sheikha Lubna participated in a ‘Youth Circle,’ organised in parallel to the conference under the theme 'Youth, The Future of Nuclear Power'. Participants discussed youth inspiration and motivation, knowledge management and sustainability, research and development opportunities, and innovation in the nuclear field.

During the circle, Sheikha Lubna emphasised the crucial role of young people in ensuring the sustainability of growth and development in various sectors, especially the peaceful nuclear energy sector. She went on to highlight her own experiences as a young woman and how important it is for young people to be engaged in the workplace and fully pursue their career ambitions.

Hamad Ali Al-Ka'abi, Permanent Representative of the UAE to the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, and President of the Conference, highlighted the importance of developing human capital and nurturing young professionals in order to ensure the sustainability of peaceful nuclear energy. He went on to note that this type of skills development requires programmes and initiatives on both the national and international level, with organisations around the world collaborating to ensure the exchange of best practices.

The Youth Circle is an initiative governed by the Emirates Youth Council and launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai. The initiatives aims to inspire youth-centric dialogue across a variety of areas for sustainable engagement with Emirati youth to shape innovative solutions for global challenges.

The conference was attended by more than 700 delegates from 68 countries, including global nuclear energy experts and leaders, who assessed the latest trends in the industry and proposed new strategies to tackle energy challenges faced across the globe.