Botanica day spa

Botanica Day Spa announced last month that their 2014 Summer Open House event will be held at the day spa in down town Clearwater, FL on this Wednesday July 16th from 4-8pm. Wine and other refreshments will be served as clients are invited to take advantage of retail discounts on beauty products and great deals on spa services, including the innovative skin treatment known as dermaplaning.
Dermaplaning (also known as “facial shaving”) is a simple and safe procedure which, using a scalpel-like instrument, exfoliates the epidermis (top layer) of the skin while ridding vellus hairs (peach fuzz). Dermaplaning is known for its effectiveness at brightening the complexion as well as unveiling new skin which better absorbs nutrients and beauty products. The deep exfoliation treatment is still relatively new to the beauty and wellness community, although Botanica has been offering it to clients since spring of this year.
“Although the process itself may sound daunting, I can promise that dermaplaning is both safe and gentle and at the same time effective at exfoliating and reducing age spots, fine lines and scars,” said Gen Obolensky, owner at Botanica.
During a dermaplaning treatment, a trained technician uses a sharp, sterile blade moving back and forth over the skin, gently exfoliating dead skin cells. To learn more, take a few moments to watch this short video which shows how a dermaplaning treatment is done, including before and after results.
Source: PRWEB