A number of Syrian scholars have established a page on the social internet website Facebok and titled it “Syrian Honor List”. The page has already attracted over seven thousand members. The creators of the page stated the page features prominent figures such as artists, politicians, religious men and more, who have taken an honorable stance since the beginning of the revolution that is currently taking place in Syria demanding the resignation of the current government. Prominent Syrian actor Jamal Sulayman was at the top of the list for being most honorable as many considered his position of supporting protesters makes him worthy of being on top. Jamal had repeatedly said during televised interviews that he fully supports protesters who want to live in better conditions and democracy. The list of honorable figures included director Haitham Haqqi, actor Sameeh Shuqair, Suhair AL Tasi, journalist Faisal Al Qasim, actress Yara Sabri and director and actor Maher Saleebi.